I had already planned the route, the night before, I set the Sat Nav up, so that was in hand. I had looked at the junctions on Google maps, Street view, and even taken photos of the screen of each junction. So I knew what the journey looked like.
So, All was going to plan when, just after I had breakfast and the girls were getting up, I had already got everything together that I thought would be useful, but the time was running away with me, and I was conscious that if I didn't get out of the house soon then I would be late for the start of the auction, and you never know whats first in the catalogue.
So off I go, I get to the end of our road and head for some fuel. There has been some fuss at the petrol stations in the UK over the last week, and I did need some fuel. On the way there, I realised that I'd forgotten the Sat Nav lead and holder, but no problem I think that I'd done enough last night to know the way. I fill up with fuel and grab some water and goodies to keep me going through the day. I decided that I needed to go home and get the lead for the Sat Nav, forgetting that while I was at the Supermarket I was going to get some cash out of the Cashpoint. I can't go to an auction without any cash. Then just before I get home I realise I'd also forgotten my cheque book.
Anyhow, all that behind me, I get to the Hermitage Leisure Centre at 8:30, half an hour before the start, walk into the sports hall to see tools.. loads of planes, rules and braces. After paying for the catalogue, the journey started, and what a treat it was, I was in heaven, planes everywhere..
Up and down the aisles, it was just a fantastic collection of tools, all in one place, and most of them for sale. I say most of them, because as well as the items up for auction, at the bottom end of the hall were dealer trading tables, where some of the tools where for sale, and others were there to show how things were done.
It was then I spotted Bill Carter, standing by his table, chatting about planes to someone, I could see some of the planes that I'd seen on his website, and they looked fantastic. It had been twenty years almost to the day, that I first met with Bill and Sarah. Back then I was at college, and half way through making my first mitre plane, Bill gave me some good advice then and was still giving advice out to prospective plane makers. I introduced myself to Sarah and chatted about the great work that Bill had on the table.
Some of Bills planes
And, after introducing myself to Bill again, after so long, he and Sarah made me feel very welcome. We chatted about planes like we had known each other for the last twenty years! I also met with some friends of Bill and Sarah's, that have the same like minded admiration towards the tools, like Tim and Steve.
Cheers for the chat, it was great. Thanks
I really like this one..
This one is pretty cool too..
I love the aged Boxwood
I tried to balance my time between going into the auction, looking around at the lots and chatting to great people.
So, after a coffee, I headed back into the auction around 2 o'clock, I had my eye on a couple of things near the end of the auction, and it's at the end, where some of the big money is spent on some of rarest of tools. In the end it wasn't for me, one of the items went too high for my budget,
and the other one..well, not this time
Anyhow, I went back out, and the place was nearly empty, and I'd missed Bill and Sarah going,
So, I'd just like to say, Bill, Sarah, thank you for making my day, and thanks for the hospitality and warm welcome, and Bill thanks for the gift, and I'll see you both at the next one..
All the best